We envision a world where every Autistic individual can thrive, no matter where in the world they live.
We envision a world where every Autistic individual can thrive, no matter where in the world they live.
The Global Autism Project is a U.S.-based non-profit organization with over twenty years of experience building capacity for autism services worldwide. 
We partner with autism organizations around the world to improve services and increase autism awareness at the local level by providing virtual and in-person training.

With a background founded on cultural awareness and understanding, the Global Autism Project provides sustainable clinical, leadership, administrative, and outreach support to autism centers and professionals seeking guidance.
Join us in Lima, Peru!
July 10-12, 2024

Join us in
Lima, Peru!
July 10-12, 2024

Exciting announcement coming soon!
In May of 2024, the Global Autism Project is announcing something that's never been done before for the international community.

Be the first to know how we're revolutionizing services worldwide!

Together, we can ensure that children with autism have access to quality services, families are empowered and uplifted, and Autistic adults live dignified lives.
The Global Autism Project works closely with the Autistic community to ensure that all trainings and tools are developed with and informed by those with lived experience.

Members of our global community gain access to a powerful network of like-minded people, online courses, and mentorship.

If you're looking to expand your impact with a global neuro- and professionally diverse community, join us!

Join the Movement!
Do you want to collaborate with a global network of professionals?
Our annual Global Summit™ conference and biannual SkillCorps® trips are curated experiences designed to open and shift perspectives about autism and services on a global scale. When you travel with us, you work alongside the global Autistic community, service providers, and passionate advocates from around the world!
Are you looking for high-quality training that will prepare you to serve families in your community?
Designed for a global community, Responsive Skills Training™ teaches the required skills for the RBT®, IBT®,and ABAT® credentials. We work closely with the Autistic community to ensure that all training and tools are developed with and informed by those with lived experiences.
Would you like to hear directly from Autistic individuals and find a sense of belonging? 
The Autism Knows No Borders® Podcast and virtual community provide connection and support through open forums and discussions. We highlight the voices of the global Autistic community and learn from lived experiences in this robust space! Listen for free and join our passionate network!
Are you a business owner seeking mentorship to expand your services?
We collaborate with autism organizations and global visionaries by providing mentorship, training, and on-the-ground project support. Whether you’re the founder of an autism school or just getting started with an idea, you could be a fit to be our next Global Partner!
Hear from the Founder and CEO of Global Autism Project
Molly Ola Pinney
Discover what’s possible when the answer to how is YES!
Do you believe in a world where every Autistic individual can thrive?
Global Autism Project  31 Central Square #15, Keene NH 03431
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