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 Transform lives like Wayne's every month  
When Wayne received access to services everything changed. Suddenly he had a community of people who embraced and supported him, meeting him where he was and challenging him to reach new heights.

This community was at Kaizora Therapies, in Nairobi Kenya where we’ve provided sustainable training for many years. Today, Wayne is a thriving student there and is beginning his internship at a local restaurant to become a chef. He’s always loved cooking!

None of this would have been possible without people like you!


As a donor, you take our work to the next destination.
We can't thank you enough!

Your gift will fuel the growth of our International Program, empowering passionate leaders around the world to bring life-changing autism services to their communities.

Working with communities—not for them—we collaborate to create sustainable change. Together, we can open doors to new destinations, transform lives, and create a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

Autism knows no borders and neither does your generosity and we’re so grateful!

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We’ve received inquiries and applications from people all over the world!

Your gift will fuel the growth of our International Program, empowering passionate leaders around the world to bring life-changing autism services to their communities. Working with communities—not for them—we collaborate to create sustainable change. Together, we can open doors to new destinations, transform lives, and create a brighter, more inclusive future for all. Autism knows no borders and neither does your generosity and we couldn’t be more grateful!
